Books and Other Business

A blog by Rafaela Novelli

Copyediting vs. Proofreading
Editing advice Rafaela Novelli Editing advice Rafaela Novelli

Copyediting vs. Proofreading

Copyediting and proofreading are the final levels of editing needed before your book manuscript, thesis, report, or writing project are ready for submission or publication.

While copyediting and proofreading services can sometimes be combined, there is a difference between them. Understanding this when employing an editor will ensure you are getting the service you need.

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Favourite Books of 2020
Personal Blog, Books Rafaela Novelli Personal Blog, Books Rafaela Novelli

Favourite Books of 2020

At the beginning of the year, I challenged myself to read more widely. Reading is a large part of professional development as an editor. I have always enjoyed a range of genres but had found myself slipping into the comfortable pattern of reading the same type of books. I was not doing myself any favours by limiting my reading to one small niche, so 2020 was the year to shake this up.

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