Books and Other Business

A blog by Rafaela Novelli

Manuscript Assessments vs. Structural Reports
Editing advice Rafaela Novelli Editing advice Rafaela Novelli

Manuscript Assessments vs. Structural Reports

What’s the difference between a manuscript assessment and a structural report?

In the world of publishing, there are many different levels of editing. Generally, a manuscript or book will go through at least three levels before publication: structural editing, copyediting, and proofreading. Today, I want to focus on structural editing or the ‘big picture’ editing.

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Why Hire an Editor?
Editing advice Rafaela Novelli Editing advice Rafaela Novelli

Why Hire an Editor?

5 ways a professional editor can help your writing

Writing can sometimes feel like a solitary endeavour; but, you don't have to go it alone. A good editor can be invaluable, supporting your goals and vision while helping your manuscript or writing project become the best it can be.

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Want to make your work the best it can be?

Get in touch to discuss what Rafaela Novelli Editing Services can do for you.